My name is Ingrid Lien Halvorsen and I am an architecture student on my third year at NTNU in Trondheim. As an architecture student (and human as such) I am experimental, curious, independent and with a great interest in colours, aesthetics and sustainable development. I am always trying to explore new options beyond the traditional ones - because its the most fun.
I have lived a year and a half in a sailboat, and one year in Italy. Living in a sailboat is impractical in many ways, but also a unique experience and lesson about living untraditionally. The year in Italy made me realize how much I love art and architecture, and was the triggering factor for me to start my architecture studies - and I have never looked back. 
I am 25 years old and have therefore had time to study a bit before I decided to pursue my childhood dream of becoming an architect. 3 years at Cybernetics has given me a good understanding of computers, something I have brought with me into the world of architecture.
That's me, more or less :-)
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